Media Speed Not Showing for 10 Gigabit-SR Ethernet PCI-X Adapter (1410ba02) and 10 Gigabit Ethernet-SR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410eb02)

The driver installed on AIX for 10 Gigabit-SR Ethernet PCI-X Adapter (1410ba02) and 10 Gigabit Ethernet-SR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410eb02) does not provide the opportunity to vary the media speed so it and its data structures don't maintain any information regarding this parameter thus there is no information gathered by netstat. For this reason no media speed display has been coded into the device specific netstat/entstat

10GB Ethernet are Fiber and only run at 10GBit. .  There is no facility to change duplexity or speed and there is no autonegotiation as well


1 comment:

  1. "10GB Ethernet are Fiber and only run at 10GBit." - this is not entirely true, see here:
